Leadership Free Stuff – External Talks

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

I have always been driven by the excitement of speaking publicly. Speaking in front of fellow teachers who know far more than me is a different level all together. However, I’m hoping that something I had to say has landed right, for you.

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‘Bigger Picture’ Talks

Building a Whole School Culture of Excellence: A Middle Leader’s View
Teaching & Learning Leeds: June 2022

I was once told that middle leaders are the cogs of a good school, a truth that lays the foundations in building a whole school culture of excellence. Whilst the vision may come from above, it is those in the middle who play a crucial part in its success.

Losing the Limits of Labels
Luminate Group: June 2020

The purpose was to open a dialogue in which colleagues could be open and honest about unconscious bias, whilst providing strategies to tackle the impact of labels.

Subject Specific Talks

A Label too Far: the Detrimental Limits of Labelling in the English Classroom
TeamEnglish National Conference: July 2020

The purpose was to open a dialogue in which colleagues could be open and honest about unconscious bias, whilst providing strategies to tackle the impact of labels.

How to Enthuse and Encourage PP Students with the English Curriculum
TeamEnglish National Conference: July 2019

The aim of this talk was to help develop a deeper understanding of disadvantage, to alleviate misconceptions and provide effective tips for engaging and enthusing students with the English Curriculum.

From Adam and Eve to Lucifer
West Yorkshire LitDrive: July 2019

This session was focused on biblical allusions within Macbeth, specifically the influence from the Book of Genesis.